Ed Templeton "the cemetery of reason"

Ed Templeton "the cemetary of reason"

Ed Templeton "the cemetary of reason"



Ed Templeton "the cemetary of reason"

Ed Templeton "the cemetary of reason"

Ed Templeton "the cemetary of reason"

Ed Templeton "the cemetary of reason"

Ed Templeton "the cemetary of reason"

Ed Templeton "the cemetary of reason"

Ed Templeton "the cemetary of reason"

Ed Templeton "the cemetary of reason"

Ed Templeton "the cemetary of reason"

Ed Templeton "the cemetary of reason"

Ed Templeton "the cemetary of reason"


Ik heb het zelf kunnen constateren. Van een paradoxale schoonheid. Zie S.M.A.K. en mijn foto’s.


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