Seth Godin: The April Linchpin Session

Seven hundred years ago, no one was unemployed. The idea of being unemployed was totally alien. The idea of a job is pretty brand new. And there are countries today where people don’t have jobs and don’t consider themselves unemployed. That was put on us.

How did that happen? Here’s what happened. Two hundred years ago, people invented machines – three hundred years ago, hundred and fifty years ago – the industrial age really kicked into power. What he machine does is it allows the person who owns the machine – like the sugar cane processing machine – allows the person who owns the machine to get an enormous upside because it helps their productivity.


De Digitale Revolutie zet het hele concept werk en de rol van geld daarin totaal op zijn kop. Zie daarvoor ook mijn blogpost ‘Geld is niet het belangrijkste (de Digitale Revolutie)’.

Hieronder het vlammende relaas van Seth Godin waar ik het helemaal mee eens ben.

linchpinsessionsethgodinapril (mp3)

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