Speaking in Code; een docu over elektronische muziek

The trailer for Speaking in Code, a verite documentary about a select group of people who have made electronic music their lives.

Lekker hoor. Ik wil hem zeker zien alleen is het nog onduidelijk wanneer dat kan.

Hebben wij niet een een of ander lollig festival waar we dit kunnen screenen?


P.S. check ook de outtakes die op het account van director/producer Amy Lee Grill op Vimeo te vinden zijn.

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Eén reactie op “Speaking in Code; een docu over elektronische muziek”

  1. Microcinema International avatar

    “Speaking in Code” is EXCLUSIVELY DISTRIBUTED by Microcinema DVD. To order this DVD and/or other Microcinema titles, go to: http://www.microcinemadvd.com.

    “Everything Changes When You Get Lost in Music”

    Speaking In Code is a unique look into the subculture of electronic music. By following artists, producers, DJs, journalists and promoters, it offers a verite look into a world few have ever seen. Both light hearted and heartbreaking, it is a series of character studies, as when Don’t Look Back took us inside of Dylan’s folk music or The Decline of Western Civilization showed us the LA punk scene. Director Amy Grill follows a series of characters (including her techno obsessed husband) over a number of years as some struggle to while others thrive in electronic music.

    The characters she documents are as compelling as their story lines: Modeselektor, a rambunctious producer duo; journalist Philip Sherburne; The Wighnomy Brothers of the former East Germany; DJ Tobias Thomas of Kompakt; and Monolake, an inventor of Abelton Live. And back in the US, David Day tries tirelessly to turn Boston into a techno city. The challenges to finish the film and Day’s obsession become a crucial plot line.

    Also Featuring: Ellen Allien, Tobias Thomas, Marc LeClair aka Akufen, Wolfgang Voigt, Michael Mayer, Reinhard Voigt, Sascha Ring aka Apparat, Sasha Funke, Mario Willms aka Douglas Greed, Miss Kitten, Dan Paluska aka Six Million Dollar Dan , Mike Uzzi aka Smartypants.

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