KlankBeeld Raaphorst: Macht van de Stem



3 reacties op “KlankBeeld Raaphorst: Macht van de Stem”

  1. ik zweer bij tekst. een woord met een klank heeft lading. wit is daar een voorbeeld van. denk ik.

    (mooi gemaakt, M!)

  2. gurdonark avatar

    I love the way that language is so much better than I imagine language to be–
    particularly when it arises from my own inexcusable limitations.

    Of course, I did not know what “stem” meant, so I assumed it meant “sample”.

    “Macht van de Stem”, I imagined, must be “worked from a sample”.

    In my imagination, Tom America was a horn player, although I suppose he could also have been a pianist.

    but the power is in the voice, isn’t it? The power is always in the voice.

    Lately I think about how hard it is to use a voice in a song. I love to work spoken word sections into music–but to paint a picture with words is so much harder than to paint a picture with sounds.

    Yet both are so delightful to try to do.

  3. Maurits Burgers avatar
    Maurits Burgers

    I really like Gurdonark’s interpretation of what he thought the words meant.

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