Nieuw Nine Inch Nails album!


To download NIN’s new full-length album Strobe Light, PRODUCED BY TIMBALAND, enter a valid email address in the fields below. A download link will be sent to you immediately. Your credit card will be charged $18.98 plus a $10 digital delivery convenience fee. Your files will arrive as windows media files playable on quite a few players with your name embedded all over them just in case you lose them. You will also receive an exclusive photo and a free email account with our partner Google’s Gmail service.

Your email will be kept confidential and will not be used for spam, unless we can make some money selling it.

(NIN site)

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3 reacties op “Nieuw Nine Inch Nails album!”

  1. arnoud traa avatar

    ja goeie he!
    ik heb me echt bescheurd om de titels en guest appearences…

  2. Rutger Muller avatar

    LOL, Timbaland is OVERAL!

  3. Jan-Peter avatar

    Maar deze doet het wel echt:

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