Mijn patches voor Reason4, de complete lijst

Sinds een paar jaar word ik door de Zweedse firma Propellerhead gevraagd om sounddesign werkzaamheden voor hen te verrichten. Zodoende heb ik voor muzieksoftware Reason, versie 3 en de nieuwste versie van Reason, versie 4, honderden geluiden ontwikkeld. Ook heb ik diverse sample-loops levenslang aan Propellerhead gelicenceerd. Zo zijn alle shaker-loops in Reason van ondergetekende :D


Bass: Booty funk.thor, Electrix Bass.thor, Fat Boy.thor, Flatwounds or zero frets.thor, Hollow Minds.thor, PPbass.thor, Rubber Duck.thor

Fx: NoiseBomb.thor, Robotic Horror.thor, That lost phone of ET.thor

Lead Synths: Digital Head Hunter.thor, Digital Spectacles.thor, Flanger Gas.thor, Flutely.thor, Fung Fu.thor, Lost In Translation.thor, Mellow Screamer.thor, Sizzling to the top.thor, Tear the roof of the sucker.thor

Pads: CZ-123.thor, Detail String.thor, Flutes On Tubes.thor, In mysterious ways.thor, Sakamotions.thor, Sun kids.thor, Synthex Boards.thor, The deep trips.thor, Thick Storm.thor

Percussion\BassDrums: BassDrumBuilder.thor

Percussion\Misc Percussion: Kitchen Zing.thor, ZEN moments.thor

Poly Synths: Accordion.thor, Analords.thor, Awakenings.thor, Between Raindrops.thor, Chamber Synth.thor, Easy Tunes Organ.thor, FM for Dummies.thor, HamayayaDX6.thor, LA clean Piano.thor, ModWheeSpaceAge.thor, Music For Children.thor, Sweep the House.thor, Synthi Organ.thor, Virgin Organ.thor

Rhythmic: Da Pulse [seq].thor, SpacePulse [seq].thor, Word of mouth [seq].thor

Sequenced: Melodic Pulsa [Seq].thor, ModSEK.thor, Morble machines [Seq].thor, Pitching Feedback OSC [Seq].thor

Textures: 2 cells left.thor, Berlin ice bar.thor, Rolling Slurpy (Seq).thor, Singing coral reef [Seq].thor, Spaced Out.thor, Squares and Zeros.thor

Voice and Choir: Femenine.thor, Roman boys and girls.thor

Combinator patches

Drums and Percussion\Machines: Electronic Research [Run].cmb, Ethno BEET Machine [Run].cmb, Naughty ‘n Funky [Run].cmb, Random HiHat machina [RPG].cmb, Synthi Drum Machine [Run].cmb

Drums and Percussion\Percussion: Wet floor.cmb

Effect Device Patches\Delay: Almost dead tape-echo [Insert].cmb, Dub Delayla [Insert].cmb, Thor FiltersX [Insert].cmb

Effect Device Patches\Dynamics\General Purpose: Class A 2 band Compressor [INSERT].cmb

Effect Device Patches\Modulation: Fair Pusherristix [Insert].cmb, FilterMals [Insert].cmb, Flangah.cmb, Phazah.cmb, Rolandus Dimension E.cmb, Super Chorus.cmb, sweepy Filters [Insert].cmb, xtreem Filter [Insert].cmb

Performance Patches\Song Starters: Uplift n Klean [Run].cmb, Warm Bathroom [Run].cmb, Zawinul on Tribe [Run].cmb

Rhythmic: Fairy tails.cmb, Magical Mysteries.cmb, My brain pleasures].cmb, Phase Rider.cmb, Press Keys Hear The Handdrums.cmb, Synthex Arp.cmb

Strings: Old Hollywood.cmb

Synth Poly: More sugah.cmb

Textures and Musical FX: The white sharks.cmb

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